So as we all go into a desperate decline because we can't hose the garden or the car here are some facts to put it all in perspective:
- 97% of all water is salty
- 2% is locked in snow and ice
- Only 1% is available for us to use
- 66% of all water use goes towards growing food
- In the UK a person uses on average 4645 litres per day - 30% of which is from flushing the toilet
- Millions of the world's poorest people subsist on 23 litres a day
- 46% of people on earth do not have water piped to their homes
- Women in developing countries walk an average of 3.7 miles to get water.
Now, should we really be complaining about a hosepipe ban?
For more information about water read the April 2010 National Geographic.