Saturday 13 October 2012

Is it the end of paper maps?

Is modern technology and the use of GPS the end of paper maps?

See what Simon Garfield believes by clicking this link.

As a geographer - I don't think so!

Thank you for coming to our open events

We hope you enjoyed looking round school and we thank you for taking part in the Food Miles Competition.

The answer was: 5792 miles

The Broccili from Lincolnshie = 93 miles
The Parsnips from Suffolk = 171 miles 
The Carrots from Norfol = 129 miles
Sugar Snap Peas from Zambia - 5038 miles 
The potatoes from Aberdeenshire = 280 miles
The lamd from the Lake District = 81 miles

Friday 12 October 2012

Welcome to Hulme's open events

Welcome to the Geography Department:

Why not take part in our food miles competition:
Below is a list of ingredients for a Sunday roast dinner, but how far have the ingredients travelled to get to the plate?

Broccoli from Lincolnshire
Parsnips from Suffolk
Carrots from Norfolk
Sugar snap peas from Zambia
Potatoes from Aberdeenshire
Lamb from the Lake District.

The answer will be revealed on Saturday at 4pm.

Sunday 7 October 2012

So how will you play FIFA15 or Justin Biber downloads?

Britain risks running out of energy generating capacity in the winter of 2015-16, according to the energy regulator Ofgem.

Its report predicted that the amount of spare capacity could fall from 14% now to only 4% in three years.

For more details read the BBC article or look at the Ofgem report