Saturday 12 October 2013

Answers to the Open Day Competition

So here are the distances:

Cumbrian Lamb = 75.2

Sweet Potatoes (USA) = 4496.1

Sweet Carrots (South Africa) = 5847.7

Sugar Snap Peas (Peru) = 6244.7

Cauliflower (Lincolnshire) = 129.2

Making the grand total = 16 792.9 miles?

Is it worth it? Perhaps we should just buy British!

Friday 11 October 2013

Open Events Competition

On the photograph above there are the ingredients for a roast dinner:

Cumbrian Lamb

Sweet Potatoes (USA)

Sweet Carrots (South Africa)

Sugar Snap Peas (Peru)

Cauliflower (Lincolnshire)

All you have to do is to estimate how far the ingredients have travelled! (In miles)
The answer will appear here tomorrow evening at 4pm